All of us at Fragapalooza have been monitoring the COVID-19 developments very closely around the province. We are saddened by the news that summer festivals and events are being cancelled by AHS and the Alberta Government. We are committed to your health and safety and want to inform everyone that our annual Fragapalooza event, to be held at the Leduc Recreation Center, will be postponed until suitable alternatives can be arranged..

We are continuing to work on our event going forward and will have some exciting things coming. The Fragapalooza store is no longer accepting new orders until we have those plans worked out. This includes accepting new seat reservation requests for clans. For now, please know your existing purchases will be transferred to our next  regular event. 

Fragapalooza is committed and excited to continue our events. As such we appreciate your patience and the support of our local gaming community in these difficult times. Please take care of each other, stay healthy, stay safe, and watch for more news coming from Fragapalooza soon.

More Fragapalooza @

  • RoDaZ
  • Reflex09
  • JohnyRico
  • Woodrobot
  • PuppupZ

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