2020 Fragapalooza

Fragapalooza - The Digital Experience 

We, the Fragapalooza staff and volunteers, are incredibly disappointed that we will not be able to spend 4 days running Canada’s Premiere Video Gaming Event at the Leduc Rec Centre. We will miss meeting new Fragger’s and catching up with old Fragger’s, having a blast all hours of the night with all of you in person, and you know, gaming next to each other. So rather than sitting around waiting till next year, we wanted to see if we could bring the Fragapalooza spirit to you virtually! Behold, Fragapalooza - The Digital Experience, which we hope will be that and much more from the comfort of your own home. Registration is free, our schedule is forthcoming and we anticipate that we can share more details with you very soon.

Fragapalooza - The Digital Experience wants to bring to you our community gaming experience! Put on by gamers for gamers, while still keeping you safe in accordance with Alberta medical guidelines. Our plan is to try and use as many aspects of social media and digital platforms as best we can to recreate that Fragapalooza atmosphere. Details, scheduling, tournaments and more to follow in the coming weeks. Please follow us on our social media, website and emails as we will continue to update you with the latest as it develops.

So please join us for  Fragapalooza - The Digital Experience, coming August 6th - 9th, 2020.  

Register today - it's FREE!

NOTE: Registered and paid for Fragapalooza 2020 - we appreciate all of you!

For those of you that already registered for our annual Fragapalooza 2020, we are holding those over until our next regular event. So please feel free to register for Fragapalooza - The Digital Experience separately if you wish to still join us in August this year.


All of us at Fragapalooza have been monitoring the COVID-19 developments very closely around the province. We are saddened by the news that summer festivals and events are being cancelled by AHS and the Alberta Government. We are committed to your health and safety and want to inform everyone that our annual Fragapalooza event, to be held at the Leduc Recreation Center, will be postponed until suitable alternatives can be arranged..

We are continuing to work on our event going forward and will have some exciting things coming. The Fragapalooza store is no longer accepting new orders until we have those plans worked out. This includes accepting new seat reservation requests for clans. For now, please know your existing purchases will be transferred to our next  regular event. 

Fragapalooza is committed and excited to continue our events. As such we appreciate your patience and the support of our local gaming community in these difficult times. Please take care of each other, stay healthy, stay safe, and watch for more news coming from Fragapalooza soon.

Fragapalooza 2020 Registration

Fragapalooza 2020 Registration is OPEN!

Sign up today, purchase your seat and join us for Fragapalooza in 2020!

NOTE: Event date is subject to change.

Fragapalooza 2020 and COVID-19

Fragapalooza 2020 and COVID-19

Hello Fraggers

We wanted to address with you what effect the latest situation is having on our summer event. At this time we are still very much in the planning stages for Fragapalooza 2020, which is still being held August 2020 at the Leduc Rec Centre. Fragapalooza Staff are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation in Alberta through the Alberta Health Services site, as well as how it will impact our close relationships with the LRC, our vendors, and of course all our fans. We hope you all are healthy and remain so during this time of uncertainty. We will continue to update you should our event plans change due to policies or recommendations of the AHS and Alberta Government. Otherwise we hope to see you at Fragapalooza 2020!

Please Take care!

More Fragapalooza @

  • RoDaZ
  • Reflex09
  • JohnyRico
  • Woodrobot
  • PuppupZ

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