Fragapalooza 2020 and COVID-19

Fragapalooza 2020 and COVID-19

Hello Fraggers

We wanted to address with you what effect the latest situation is having on our summer event. At this time we are still very much in the planning stages for Fragapalooza 2020, which is still being held August 2020 at the Leduc Rec Centre. Fragapalooza Staff are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation in Alberta through the Alberta Health Services site, as well as how it will impact our close relationships with the LRC, our vendors, and of course all our fans. We hope you all are healthy and remain so during this time of uncertainty. We will continue to update you should our event plans change due to policies or recommendations of the AHS and Alberta Government. Otherwise we hope to see you at Fragapalooza 2020!

Please Take care!

More Fragapalooza @

  • RoDaZ
  • Reflex09
  • JohnyRico
  • Woodrobot
  • PuppupZ

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